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Andrew Hibben Artist Profile

We first decided to start working with Andrew Hibben for our Holiday Collection in 2019. We immediately were struck by his clean design work, bright colors, and otherworldly vibe. Over some barbeque and beers we hashed out our goals and ideas for a collection, and what we wanted to share with the community. Andrew is a Denver based graphic designer who we have known for years. We were finally able to come together and create a few collections we are very proud of. 


A lot of Andrew's starting points on projects are influenced by traditional tattoo design. He thrives on taking simple ideas or concepts, reinterpreting them, and evolving them to the point of something completely new and unique. 

Eggo finds a stash
Boys find the goods

Throughout this journey, you learn to find the good in the bad, find the light in the dark, and take something meaningful out of every step along the way. Andrew's art fixates on the idea of mixing the light and dark of every day. 


To see more of Andrew's work you can find him on instagram @weathermaker and view his portfolio here.